Words with Friends adds new life to the Scrabble Costume

By January 19, 2012 In the News No Comments

Words with Friends took off like a jet plane when Alec Baldwin was kicked off an American Airlines flight for playing the game. Our Scrabble costumes are going to take off too since this Words with Friends craze has made the app version of Scrabble one of the coolest games to play.

Shortly after the Alec Baldwin incident it was reported that Words with Friends jumped from 300,000 users to 5.5 Million.  At this writing, Words with Friends currently has 8,400,000 daily uses.

This year, Costume SuperCenter suspects the Scrabble costume will find new life and meaning with smartphone and online game enthusiasts. Thank you Zynga for creating Words with Friends. Perhaps now you will give us a Words With Friends Halloween costume that will rival our Angry Birds costumes, also inspired by popular game apps.

Some people will tell you that Words with Friends is just like Scrabble while die-hard Scrabble fans tend to differ. There are some differences in the layout of the board and the number of tiles but the scoring and rules are generally the same. No doubt, if you love Scrabble, a Words with Friends addiction is in your near future. If you love online games like Angry Birds, you must have discovered WWF by now. If not, what are you waiting for!

What are your thoughts about the Scrabble costume being worn by fans of Words With Friends?

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