Seriously? No Clue About Animal House!

By May 21, 2009 In the News No Comments

Sticking to my theme of Saturday Night Live memories and one of my absolute favs from the show (John Belushi….there has been no one like him and never could be) it brought to mind Animal House. What a great movie; the “Death Mobile”, the toga costume party, the food fight, the disastrous parade, and so much more. All left such an impression on me.


I just could not believe it when I asked my daughter who John Belushi was and she had no idea. I was even more amazed she had no clue what Animal House was! You would have thought someone just did something so awful by my reaction! I still can’t believe it and think there has got to be some part or famous line from that movie she would recognize! I’m on a mission about it…I plan to rent the movie this week and force her to watch it with me. Seriously?! She doesn’t know about either? I just can’t believe it. Oh well, the movie has played a role in more than a good time or two in my life and I’m sure millions of others. Not only do people have “movie night” with this being the main event but there have been countless “toga parties”  that happened and many food fights because of this movie. I can remember the one in my high school cafeteria; it was funny and disgusting! Food every where! My school was so angry over it and totally blamed it on the movie…I’m pretty sure they were right.

The “Death Mobile” … the coolest car ever. It was such a mean looking car and the perfect prop for destroying the parade. Those guys were crazy! Back then it just seem so cool. There was nothing about that movie that didn’t make you laugh or want to do the things they did.

See…it’s the coolest car.

Seriously?! She doesn’t know who John is? He’s an American icon for crying out loud! Why do I find it so insulting she doesn’t know who he is? Or what Animal House is?

And she has never seen Animal House? It’s a huge part of American culture! I think it’s a sin. She’s watching it this week! How funny, a mom thinking it’s important for her kid to watch a movie full of degenerates doing things a parent hopes their kid never does! Seems kind of contradictory but, gonna do it!

If you’re a little on the younger side, do you know who he is? Have you ever seen the movie?

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