Live the life of luxury all thanks to the Women's Medieval Royalty Dress. Back in the Middle Ages, a member of the royal family could enjoy bountiful riches, lavish banquets, and more. Fair ladies of the era, whether queens or princesses, would never venture out of their castles without looking their best. This particular outfit is lovely and fitting of such a royal demeanor. This dress is very dainty and it comes in a maroon and gold-yellow combination. There are ornate designs along the front just to make it all the more elegant. Large, open sleeves with fur trim cuffs shows signs of nobility as well. Wear this Medieval Royalty dress to all kinds of fun events such as Renaissance Fairs, festivals, cosplay conventions, and even on Halloween. Come up with your own backstory for this Medieval maiden. There are jewelry, crowns, and other accessories you order to include as part of the ensemble.